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Select documents

When working in the E-archive, you can select and multi-select documents to make your workflow more efficient.

Manage documents

Select one or multiple documents followed by one of the actions below to easily manage your documents.

Delete: Removes the document from your E-archive, moving it to Trash for 30 days before permanent deletion.

Withdraw: Instantly cancels the signing process and expires the invitation. You can edit and restart the signing process after withdrawing if desired.

Send reminder: Remind parties to sign/view/approve a previously sent document.

Prolong: Extend the due date to allow parties more time to complete required actions before a process expires.

Export documents

To export one or more documents, follow these steps:

  1. Select the documents you want to export from the list.

  2. Click on the 'Export' dropdown in the upper right corner.

You have two export options:

  • CSV: This option provides a downloadable sheet, a CSV file containing essential metadata, including document settings, sender and party information and the signing process events. Not sure how to import your CSV into Excel? Click here.

  • PDF: Choose this option to export the complete document as a PDF. The PDF includes the signed document, merged attachments, signatures, and an event log detailing each step of the signing process (Evidence package).

Quick actions

Next to each document title on the far right, you'll find quick actions that allow you to efficiently manage your documents without needing to select them first.

The available actions depend on the document's status and enable you to quickly delete, send reminders, withdraw, or extend the process due date.