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Admin: User dashboard

For a comprehensive overview of your users' activity, head to the 'Dashboard' in the main menu to your left. Here, you'll find statistics on the number of documents sent and signed. Standard users and Account admins across all price plans always have access to their individual statistics.

  • Tailor your view by selecting a specific time period through the settings at the top of the page.

  • You can view up to 12 months of data.

  • Daily statistics are available for a timespan of 30 days or less. If you expand your search beyond this, statistics will be shown in a monthly summary.

  • Hover your mouse over the different graphs for more detailed information. For the daily and monthly statistics, you can also click on one of the data points to view more details.

Admin user dashboard:

  • As an Admin user, you can gain insights into the organisation's overall activity and individual user performance.

  • For Enterprise price plan admin users, delve deeper by exploring statistics specific to user groups.

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Dashboard: export statistics

At the top right corner of your dashboard, you'll find the option to download a comprehensive CSV file with all your statistics. You can choose from the following categories:

  1. Closed documents: Represents the total number of documents that have been successfully signed and sealed.

  2. Sent documents: Encompasses the total count of documents sent for signing, inclusive of those not yet signed.

  3. Closed signatures: Reflects the total number of registered signatures. A single closed document may contain one or more signatures, depending on the number of signing parties involved.