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User roles differentiation: Admin vs. Standard

The given user role determines the permissions a user has while using the Scrive platform. There are four different types of roles ⤵

  • Standard users can:

    • Send documents for signing.

    • View their own sent documents.

    • Send reminders and prolong due date for their sent documents.

    • Withdraw their sent documents.

    • Access the sign view for their own active signing processes.

    • Edit their own user settings (excluding user role).

    • View their own user statistics on the Dashboard.

  • Account Admin users have the same permissions as Standard users and can additionally:

    • Edit other user's information (e.g. name, email, language).

    • Change user roles for others (except for Admin users).

    • Invite new users (restricted to creating new Standard and Account Admin users).

    • Delete users (excluding Admin users).

  • Document Admin users have the same permissions as Standard users and can additionally:

    • View documents sent by others.

    • Send reminders and prolong due date for other's documents.

    • Withdraw documents sent by others.

    • Access the sign view for other's active signing processes.

  • Admin users have all the permissions of Standard and Account Admin users but can also:

    • View documents sent by others.

    • Send reminders and prolong due date for other's documents.

    • Withdraw documents sent by others.

    • Access the sign view for other's active signing processes.

    • Edit company information.

    • Edit company branding.

    • View statistics for all users on the Dashboard.

    • Add and delete other Admin users.