Edit your account settings
Navigate to 'Account' and 'My info through the main menu to edit your account settings. The information you have added under 'My info' will be automatically mirrored to your party when setting up a document for signing.
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User info
First name: Automatically shown for your party when setting up a document process.
Last name: Automatically shown for your party when setting up a document process.
Mobile: Automatically added as the mobile number for your party when setting up a document process. Remember to include the country code (e.g., +46).
Email: The email address linked to your Scrive account.
Password: The password used to login to your Scrive account. Any changes needs to be confirmed with your old password.
ID number: Optional to fill in your personal number/social security number.
Position: Optional to fill in your work position at your company.
Language: Choose the language displayed in your account and when setting up a document for signing. You can change the recipient's language separately during the process setup.
Two-factor authentication settings: Enhance the login security with two-factor authentication via your phone or device.
Default template: Set a template as default to open automatically for every new process.

Company info
All users can view their company information. However, only Admin users can edit the details.
User group: This field shows which user group your user account belongs to in your company's Scrive structure.