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Adding a Text field to a document

A text field serves the dual purpose of gathering information from a party and including additional details within a designated box in a document.

Creating a new custom text field in the document will result in the same field appearing under the relevant party on the Parties tab.

To add a text field:

  1. Upload a PDF under the Document tab.

  2. Click on the Text field icon.

  3. Move the text field by clicking and dragging it to the desired location.

Text field settings

  • Party: Determine which party's information should populate this field.

  • Field name: Customise the displayed name for the field.

  • Field value: Specify the displayed information. Leave it empty if you don't want to provide any information beforehand.

  • Field: Define the type of information to display or enter in this field.


  • Optional: Completing this field is not required.

  • Mandatory for sender: You, as the initiator of the process, must provide data for this field before sending the document.

  • Mandatory for recipient: The selected party must complete this field to finish signing.

Additional settings:

  • Description (only visible if you have enabled the form on the Settings tab): Add some background info or guidelines to the signing party.

  • Font size (Advanced settings): Customise the text size.

  • Add anchor (Advanced settings): Dynamically position the field based on its relation to a text string.

  • Validation (for custom fields only): Ensure that information is entered in a specific format. Refer to the section below for more details on text validation.

Text field validation

When adding a custom Text field to your document, you can apply field validation to ensure that signatories enter information in a specific format. This is accomplished by using regular expressions (regex) in the Validation setting.

After adding a custom Text field to your document and opening the Validation settings, you can choose from pre-built regex patterns or create a custom one.

For example: If you want the signatory to enter their IBAN number, you can use a regex pattern to enforce the correct format.

Example regex for a Swedish IBAN number: SE\d{2}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}|SE\d{22}

This regex means that the text input must:

  • Start with 'SE'

  • Be followed by 22 numbers.

  • Include spaces but no special characters.

When creating a custom regex, you'll also need to provide a valid example of the correct format, such as this example IBAN number: SE4550000000058398257466.

If the example corresponds to the added regex, the fields will turn green. You can choose to include a description, 'Tooltip message', to instruct signatories on what information to add.

When you're finished, click 'Save'.